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7:07 a.m. - Sunday, Jun. 12, 2005
Errrrr, Ahhhhhh, daaaaaaa, I I I I I I don'ttttttt knooooooowwwwww.
Dear Diary,

At last I have decided to take the time to add some words. Okay...errrrr...yup...I ahhhh....and daaaaa ..brief pause...followed by stuttering ( a feature I really have since my Mom died in April).

Me, with nothing to say? That is so not ME. I have plenty to say. I can say it at the drop of a hat Within a few moments I am saying tooooo much. So why this absence of diary days? Why this constipated attempt today to write? Why this effort of pain in breaking out of my writers hell?

Errrrr, Ahhhhhh, daaaaaaa, I I I I I I don'ttttttt knooooooowwwwww.



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